Originally Posted by jbh00jh
Do you have a kitchen waiting in the wings ?
It's in the works, I used to cook for the Omnia and this is a little different, but I am figuring it out.
Originally Posted by jadedame
I have no problems installing and accessing swype..i can set it as default just fine (except after a soft reset, you just have to go in and set it again and it's stays).
Also, can I ask if you've fixed the photos tab yet?
With Swype, I was setting it as default so when you reset, it is always the default keyboard without using an IM changer or any other software. It works on other phones, just not this one, I need to do a little more research on it.
Photos tab does still rotate an extra 90 degrees, I have a work around for the photos, music and documents, but then you lose the rotation animation of those tabs, so I am not sure whether to use it or not.
I have not found a solution on landscape eReader yet