Originally Posted by jdmsohc22
i do love that quote...
so while we're still in good spirits, would it be to much to ask on how to change the font in titanium..?? I've searched fonts in the cpr file but it shows one font type like 500 times... Do I have to find & replace every single one and replace it..?? thanx
grab the font that you want and copy it into your device/windows directory...
change the font names to the real name of the font: segoeui.ttf is "Segoe UI"...thats what you put into the .cpr...you can find the real name of the font by simply double clicking to preview it, its in the top left...on windows 7 at least, im sure with vista and xp also.
the easiest way is grab
notepad++ http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm ...its a great text editor and you can do a search and replace in like 5 seconds...what i like to do is open both of the .cpr files in tabs, line up both files by line number and edit something in one, then switch and edit the other so i dont skip anything between portrait and landscape...
hope that helps
ps... "segoe ui light" is essentially the same font used in the zune and windows phone 7 series...and it should come preinstalled with windows in your windows/font directory...