Originally Posted by variance
Crap forgot to include the push internet cab and a few other relevant ones.
I'm looking for the "3 column" cab for the favorites or people tab if anyone knows where I can find it. Feb 6th build had 4 columns for people tab but the newer builds seem to be back to 3 column.
I'm in the midst of trying to organize all the major fixes/tweaks into one consolidated "Custom Rom Fix/Tweak" thread so if people are having issues there's a single place to go to save time. They seem to fall mainly into Power consumption, Memory, MMS issues, Arcsoft vs HTC, and Activesync issues. also small things like wanting 3 or 4 shortcuts on home or 4 columns on peoples tab and things like that aren't very easy to find.
Anyway. I usually flash energy/juicy roms and have since the TP1 days.
Variance! Great work, Great thinking, Great Idea. Keep it up.