I bought one off of ebay a long time ago for really cheap, it's probably the older version of this one. seemed to work better than any $50 transmistter
I used to drive long distances for work, and on the long trips the pnly way I could keep from falling asleep was watchin family guy on my PSP. More like listening and glancing every once in a while, even if I had seen the show before.
I bought the belkin one at walmart that looks just like this one and it worked half as good as this one.
Whatever one you buy, make sure that it has all the frequencies, not just 87-91 or whatever
FM frequency band: 87 – 108.5 MHz with increment of 0.1, total 215 Channels
The only problem I ever had with that one was I couldn't plug it into the cigeretter lighter while the psp was plugged in or else you could hear engine whine, but I think that was just hte van that I was using it in. Not a big deal as both where rechargable.
I'm trying to find reviews on these new ones that have little LCD screens on them or one of the bluetooth transmitters.
So far it seems like people have trouble uploading music and playing it, but I'd only use it for fm transmitting.