Originally Posted by dkh7m
i have a phone profile app that i used on my old PPC 6700. i've been using it on my 700wx, but it won't override the default ringtone that's set by the treo. no matter what i put in as the ringtone for a particular profile, when my phone rings, it's always "treo classic" or whatever ring is set by the phone at the time. is there a way to change this?
barring that, does anyone have any recommendations for good (pref. free) phone profile apps that may do this? thx.
I'm not good at manipulating apps, or skins, but I do know that if you want other ringtones on the 700wx, you can use .mp3 for ringtones. it can be done in the manage tab of notifications & sounds. I don't know if this is what you are asking. I just pull songs from wmp and added it to where ever I want it to be used as. This is just a useful start. Hope this would give you some lead way.