Originally Posted by hasseye
original file for 25006 ^^
My file has it included now, but im curious to know if i didnt need to add it in.
I cooked so many times i cant remeber if it was added in and cooked or not.
Either way 25006 is extremely fast...
i'm not having any issue with the caller id problem (not sure why not)...but other users on xda are reporting there still getting the caller id problem with this build.
so I'm confused, did u add the threaded email or is it native in the SYS?
Originally Posted by hasseye
yes thank you ur guide was extremely helpful
did you happen to recmod the contacts.dll in manilla people?
I recmod everything in the sense packages except mode9 in core & contacts in people
btw, I ran my script on the 25006 SYS and it found more...
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.7
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\ppc\WMP Kitchen\SYS\25006\SHARED\COMMON\WMWidgets\riahost.exe was recmodded s
C:\ppc\WMP Kitchen\SYS\25006\SHARED\COMMON\WMWidgets\riplugin.dll was recmodded
C:\ppc\WMP Kitchen\SYS\25006\SHARED\COMMON\WMWidgets\systemstateom.dll was recmo
dded successfully!
C:\ppc\WMP Kitchen\SYS\25006\SHARED\COMMON\WMWidgets\WidgetInstallerDll.dll was
recmodded successfully!
C:\ppc\WMP Kitchen\SYS\25006\SHARED\COMMON\WMWidgets\widgetsom.dll was recmodded
C:\ppc\WMP Kitchen\SYS\25006\SHARED\COMMON\WMWidgets\wmwidgetinstaller.exe was r
ecmodded successfully!
All specified modules that were found were recmodded. Please check the RecModCom
mon.log file for errors.
Press any key to continue . . .
so far I'm not really seeing 25006 super fast...and another strange thing about threaded email.
In Outlook, they are threaded fine, but I also have several IMAP/POP3 accounts. It seems the IMAP accounts are threaded fine, but the POP3 accounts are condensed into one, meaning when I 1st open the account, I only see one email, but when I open it, I see the entire list of emails in the account.