Originally Posted by p-slim
Even the way You just phrased that "if you cook it right" and also the fact that you had to pm somebody to ask proves You don't have knowledge on the matter, I would consider. Asking juggs to come finish the argument for you.
To salty, how has he owned me, I'm reading the last page and no ownage, just info proving he doesn't know anything first hand. I've used indys kitchen and 6.5 isn't faster, nor is indagrooves kitchen or rom the best.
i phrased it the same way he phrased it lol, and what about the way a phrased it showed my lack of knowledge on the matter? When someones says that it's usually followed up with an example of how you are "suppose" to say it. And obviously you don't know to much about cooking because there is definitely a right way of doing it. I use to cook my own roms with previous devices because no chef cooked a rom to my liking, but Mighty and JD make roms that i am more then happy with so i don't need to go through all the trouble of cooking my own rom. And my reason for pm'ing him is because you were the one who said you can ask any chef, so i did just that lol. But since Juggs answer didn't favor your incorrect assumption, it makes it look like i don't know what i'm talking about lol. P-Slim you are a funny man. You get into debate all the time over your own personal preference and act as if they are facts