Re: Gettin' bored with my TP2. Should I trade for Samsung Moment plus cash??
With the way the Android development is going for the TP2 its 50/50 IMO. On one hand you have a good phone but are hesitant to updgrade the rom which could make it an even greater phone. However, the Andorid OS is sweet, and its fully functional, but its not on the TP2 (kinda) So my question to you is this: If the Android OS was on the TP2 and fully functional, would you keep the TP2? If your answer is 'yes' than I'd say to upgrade the rom play around with the phone some (Try SPB Mobile Shell) and try to hold out in hopes of them making it fully functional. If you answer 'no' then your relationship with that phone has run its course and you should take the deal. Flashing roms can be addictive once you get past the first flash!!