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Old 02-24-2010, 10:36 AM
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Re: "FiOS TV Remote DVR" app on Sprint TP2?

Improve, many thanks for your post and all of the photos.

Your post & pictures clarified the issue for me and now I realize that the app on my friend's Moto Droid is different than the one you have given us the pictures on and that barfly first posted about. The app you are showing turns our TP2's into remote controls for FIOS TV to use while at home in lieu of a regular remote. The app that my friend has on his Moto Droid does not need a wifi connection and allows him to do do remote programming anywhere he is. He selected a show to record while walking down the street with me and has reconfirmed that there was no wifi connection involved.

Perhaps krusty46 who posted earlier and has a Droid can comment further on the matter and the functionality of his app?
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