Originally Posted by jstine671
One of the reason you don't fine alot of taskbars available. Is because the time to make, or edit one. There are over 100 just for the battery, 8 for each type of data connection. And it all could break with the next build. Not to many want to spend 10 hrs or more to make a really great looking taskbar and have to do it again with the next release.
I have been driven mad by this over the last few months (not directed at Jstine or any other chef), but I have learned that what seems simple on the surface is so much more complex than a file with different icon images. WM 6.5.x is still considered bleeding edge, and component dll's are being updated almost continuously as the OS continues to evolve. I have favorite taskbars that worked fine with Mighty's Love2 and other earlier 6.5.x ROMs. If I try installing on any newer builds such as Jstine's it can break a lot of things by replacing HTCVolumeControl.dll, shellres.dll, etc. with older, incompatible versions. Hence the reason why chefs need to spend extra time tweaking non-stock taskbars for any new builds. Once the "official" core files are released from Microsoft this will likely get easier.
Or maybe not...