Roaming help
I have a Sprint Touch Pro registered on Vzw, running Roots new XXXDark rom. For some reason the phone says im roaming..i dont get it because with every other phone ive ever had ive never been in roaming territory. Also it seems i cant set up a data connection, but i have no idea why not. i dial #777 and it tells me it cant process my request or something to that effect. I flashed to the newest Vzw radio in the CDMA forum to no avail...
Any help on the roaming issue? the data one? is the data one causing the roaming one? it seems if im in my home wifi area then the roaming goes away..not sure of that but it might be happening.
i insalled the vzw carrier cab, entered this into the data connection settings:
username: my phone #
pass: vzw
still nothing. says my pcs vision login is incorrect...should it even be saying anything about PCS? that has to do with sprint right?
Last edited by botnryan; 02-24-2010 at 02:27 AM.