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Old 02-23-2010, 10:29 PM
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Re: Verizon and USC HTC Sense 2.5 MMS Fix Through HTC Messaging, No Arcsoft, No cabs

Originally Posted by Overproof View Post
This isn't working for me on Verizon, I have the energy leo rom feb 7 build, I can receive mms but am unable to send, It just keeps trying to upload but never completes until it errors out.
EDIT: EDIT: Did some messing around and found out that I can send mms from windows program by:
1: Opening the picture in the album
2: Clicking the picture to access option bar
3: Selecting send/mail/distribute/etc on the options bar
4: Selecting "mail"
5: Selecting "Picture Message"

(This is for Verizon, after changing the mms server settings as per page 1)

This sends the picture fine and I know for a fact the attempted recipients have received the pictures I've sent. For some reason I get a copy of the message in my htc messaging inbox with the address "@", however, this is a small price to pay for working sending and receiving mms on Juicy's R10 . Sorry for the long post, but I'm sure I won't be the only one searching for this.

ORIGINAL POST: Ditto. I'm running Juicy R10. I've got the exact same issue. Anybody got a solution? Makes no sense to me especially considering so many people are saying VZW mms works fine for their 2.5 builds

Last edited by bluerockit; 02-24-2010 at 03:13 PM.
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