Originally Posted by texasez
I installed your cabs and it works great. Nice looking plus has several clock options. Now if i could just get the background on post 1192 with a Viper instead of a Corvette everything would be A OK. Thanks again for your help.
Edit: The only thing I can not get to work is the battery icon. I tried the 7 bar one but it did nothing. the one that came with the rom has not worked for me. It shows no bars inside the battery icon.
Like I said, i cropped it from a larger wallpaper I had. If you have a pic I could do it for you or you could try the HDWalls.
This image worked well because the colors were all set and seemed to match perfectly for the rom/theme.
but, I did a quick search and found a picture and converted it gray scale and messed with the contrast a little. Have at it