Originally Posted by scrosler
This kitchen is for all you diehard WM 6.1 Fans like myself.
Due to popular request I decided to post a Sprint WM 6.1 Kitchen. If you load and flash the basic ROM you will run exactly what I am running on my phone. I dont run WM 6.5.x, I only run 6.1 ;c) If enough people request I will post the ROM from this kitchen too. Nothing too fancy, all updated apps as usual. No I wont do a 6.5 version...
Thanks to ervius and all the other people who make the tools we use.
Download: Sprint Basics 1.0
As always, thanks for trying my work and let me know if you find any bugs.
Scott nice to see you back. I miss you but why are you not using 6.5? do you not like the cool things the new build brings like the windshield wiper for the weather.