Originally Posted by breakmyfootoff
Please elaborate on why you think Android is less functional. I had WM phones for years, and Android does everything WM did and more. It seems to me that you haven't really used Android, because if you had, there is no way you could honestly say that it's "less functional".
careful making assumptions there mate, as a fact, I purchased an android device full retail, with HTC's sense overlay, and was thoroughly not impressed.
I have some personal experience with every device form OS factor you could think of.
To elaborate, the less functional comes in part from the different form factors and hardware specs that accompany sub par android handsets, i.e most not having a magnetic compass for real time map orientation and navigation (just as a little example)
that's just a small thing that sets, Android apart, being that the OS is free to license, you will see alot more "dumb" smartphones appearing, such as the 600mhz pay as you go, T-Mobile Android Pulse, cheap disposable android phones
another factor in which android sticks to mediocrity is its limitations and shortcoming now being seen in the under core of the Operating System such as the Nexus one only using 16-bit color capable of showing a maximum of
android -32 to 64 colors, while ..
iphone/ipod touch - shows 256 color intensities
So as you can see, Android is less functional in that aspect, that you really have to research which hi end Android device you want, then make sure it's actually even better than competition from years and years ago, which apparently its not doing well in
-nexus signal issues pertain even after the update mandated to try to solve the issue problems. Forums are still reporting signal drops in well established areas
Only after using an Android phone did i formulate my opinion on it, i returned the device before the 30 days, there was no way that was "it" for phones, and im glad i did, or else I'd be in the underdog faction of phandroids, thank god for common sense and patience