Originally Posted by jmart518
Thanks for the feed back guys, it is still a work in progress, but I feel it is getting really close. This has definitely kept me occupied during this hspl wait!
I have figured out the landscape bug and have attached a cab (I will also put it on the first post and repair the main cab for future downloads).
I intentionally left out the WM Settings in the start menu, this way we didn't have duplicate settings icons. Little things like that drive me nuts! Here is the cab to enable the All Settings in the start menu
Just install to device memory and soft reset.
jmart if you want to make a cab for full landscape with rotate map in all tabs
heres what works for me install the tf3d rotation then go into reg settings
hkcu/software/htc/htcsensor/gsensor/modulename delete tf3d
hkcu/software/htc/htcsensor/gsensor/whitelist delete tf3d
then go into hklm/system/gdi/rotation/hideorientaionui change to 0
hklm/system/gdi/rotation/landscapefix change to 0
now you can map rotate to the key you want and get full lanscape in all tabs
understand that photo tab and music tab auto rotates when u turn the phone so before going into those tabs you must be in portrait
i know its a pain in the ass but if you make a cab with these settings it will be easy