Texting is fine, but are you able to even send a pic??? on my phone the menu item is greyed out
Originally Posted by coolwhip1220
So any cab makers want to make a cab to do the following registry changes to make it even easier for Sprint users to get MMS working?
HKLM\SOFTWARE\ArcSoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\MMSCSetting\SampleMMSC
Change MmscURI key value to "http://mms.sprintpcs.com/servlets/mms" (without "")
Change all 4 WAP key values to "5120000" (without "")
HKLM\SOFTWARE\ArcSoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\MMSCSetting\SampleMMSC2
Change MmscURI key value to "http://mms.sprintpcs.com/servlets/mms (without "")
Change all 4 WAP key values to "5120000" (without "")
That simple. Dont even have to install the new Arcsoft or anything.