Originally Posted by jdmsohc22
Do either of you guys have TitaniumWeather running..?? I'm trying to center that also, but there just seems to be far to many codes of text for me to decipher.. Was wondering maybe if someone had that one figured out too... For now I'll give it some trial & error runs and see how it works out..
Here's the code...
<Layer ID="TitaniumWeatherCondensed" Visible="False" Width="480" Height="60">
<Layer ID="Page">
<Text ID="PluginLabel" Left="20" Top="8" Width="460" Height="52" FontFamily="Segoe UI" FontSize="16" FontStyle="Regular" Wrap="False" VerticalAlignment="Middle" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter" Text="voicemail">
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetDropBottomRight" Color="#00000000" TextOffset="1" BlurFactor="3" Alpha="1.0" />
<TextStage TextOffsetType="TextOffsetNone" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
Same as changing the other sections...just find the "condensed" section of each plugin you want to change...
Go all the way down and find the "TitaniumWeatherCondensed". this is the section you edit to change the appearance of the plugin when the translucent bar thingy is not over it...
VerticalAlignment="Middle" to
Thats titanium weather running up there on my screenshot...