Originally Posted by yardizidifer
Im getting sick of verizon and telus users bitchin about how they don't want sprint softwares that are cooked in this rom. How dare you come here and make demands on what u want and don't want. Take that $h!t to the chefs who are on telus.
Originally Posted by tomp999
Oooh, I say let them bitch. Just make sure it's AFTER you hit Deck's "Donate" button on the 1st page
Im on VZW, I have donated & I could care less about Sprint aps....I stick em in a folder and done deal, gone.
This ROM is far too good to talk about an extra Sprint app or how to get Sprint MMS to work through HTC (or even just work) though Sprint MMS doesn't work right in HTC Messaging in ANY custom ROM running Sense 2.5...not just decks.
The wife's TP2 is about to get a dose of r9!