Hi everyone, thought I'd introduce myself. I got a RHOD400 last week and I've been working with WiFi for the last few days. Tonight I was able to connect it to my network and surf the web a little
It's very experimental at the moment: I had to choose a network and set the network parameters from the command line (with wpa_cli), and Android doesn't realize where the connection is coming from. Since the Touch Pro 2 uses the Broadcom BCM4325 WiFi chip (unlike the TI chip used by every other HTC phone up until now), our current Android build needs some fixes. This shouldn't be hard though, since the Nexus One and Motorola Devour (among others) use Broadcom WiFi--I actually compiled this driver from the Motorola Devour source code.
Hopefully within a few days we can release a build for everyone to try--there's been some nice improvements since 95civic's last release. makkonen and phh ported a new touchscreen driver that works really well, I brought over some HTC patches that increase the amount of RAM we can use (70 MB more), and it'll be great to see this WiFi working properly.