Originally Posted by 95-civic
Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of communication recently. I've been tied up at work to say the least. It will be at least another week until I can really dive back into this. Good news is that it looks like Mr Pippy and several other devs now have rhodium's in hand. I've been looking over the recent code additions and it looks like they have already identified and merged some of the code fixes I've implemented in my custom build into the main project. I'll see what I can do to help them get up to speed on anything they are missing. If anyone is interested in building their own RIL please PM me and I'll write something up.
Sorry for the slow progress here on my end, life has been busy!!!
I for one am just glad to hear that you are alive and well, work on it at your convenience, I don't want you to feel pressured from us and just give up. Thanks for your hard work, and willingness to work with others.