Originally Posted by aeropatel
Hey guys..
I just finished building a new 2012 rom (sys 23529) with everything to my liking. There's only one problem I'm running into. I can't reply to any emails at all. Actually the problem starts at the mail tab. Normally, when you click on an email from the email tab, it would take you to the message. Right now, when I click on the message, it just sits there. If I click on inbox, it opens the inbox but I can't open or reply to any of the emails. I've attached a build log. Thanks for the help...
Apparently it was the SYS. cooked another one with 28014 and its working fine now. oh well..as long as it works. but, i am gonna miss the threaded emails.
Does anyone know the reg edit to fix the cdma sms problem (the SIM card missing error). I tried the cdma fix posted at xda's 2012 port thread but didn't help.
*** EDIT ***
okay...I need to stop asking questions and start spending some time exploring solutions myself. sorry for spamming the thread OMJ.
anywhoo.... i was going through the registry and found the solution. in case anyone runs into this problem the registry key is located at:
\HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila > People.Message.IsCDMA should be set to 1 (instead of 0).