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Old 02-22-2010, 12:59 PM
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Re: 02/21/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V.7_PLUS (Sense 2012) SYS 21891

Originally Posted by jordant2 View Post
Any way to disable the music tab g sensor rotation. I thought that went out a few versions ago. It's still scambles my screen when I rotate it out then slide out the keyboard. Would like to disable that feature even though it looks nice.

Edit: Sorry guys, there's a whole thread dedicated to this. Should have searched the forums first. Fixed now.
not sure how to disable it.its part of the e-reader and doc tab addon (1 manila file in core replaced.).Original 2012 works fine without scramble.
Uploading V7-standart version

Last edited by vin255764; 02-22-2010 at 01:29 PM.
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