Originally Posted by banden
Question 2: If you plan on using a custom ROM you DEFINITELY need to block OTA updates. If verizon sends out an OTA update (2.1) and you end up applying it to something other than the stock recovery or stock rom it could brick your phone.
tvandyck7 is right though. Just skip all the manual stuff and download the dmupdater. It will do everything for you, root, rename stock recovery, install recovery image (same as nandroid), perform a backup, and install the formerly know as sholes rom.
Not entirely true. Yes you can block OTA updates with adb/terminal commands, but ROMs will not block OTA. However, SPRecovery (the recovery partition that you will be working with once rooted) will block OTA. You have to allow SPRecovery to install an update.zip, so really you have nothing to worry about.