Originally Posted by Mael-X
Hey all,
This is more a request for info than anything else. Not sure if there is a fix for this.
When in "My Location" on the weather tab, it never shows my city (Montreal), just the province. In some of the smaller cities in my area it works fine. In some parts of Montreal, it works fine. The result "My Location" returns seem to vary from ROM to ROM for both large and small cities.
Any particular reason why? Is there a fix to make it more accurate? I remember I tried one a few months ago, but it messed up the weather tab so I removed it.
Have you run quick GPS? My weather will not even if I'm in a sub-section of a small town, so the accuracy is there. I'm wondering if it's maybe just using AGPS. Can you get sat locks in Google maps? Maybe Juggs has an answer as he's on telus too, cuz the ROM has the accuracy.