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Old 02-22-2010, 02:36 AM
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Question Re: Haus Intrepid Tips and Tricks

Originally Posted by haus View Post
You can also start apps by voice command (if you enable the option in voice command), press the VC key or your BT headset key, and say "start <application name>". Hope that helps.
'Sure would LIKE to figure out that voice command stuff... 'one of the 1st things I tried. 'Seems like (when TELL-ME actually manages to repeat back MY words) it does nothing but a BING search on the phrase...
I have yet to figure out the correct "magic words"...and the few options provided seem completely unrelated to apps...

So I've got a few 'major' apps assigned to the long-hold keys... so maybe I will keep the INTREPID for awhile...I mean, I can't possibly be right that WM6.5 is a step DOWN from WM6.1--ignoring the touch-screen, of course (hey, if the New York Times can ignore the cost of fuel and food when making up some economic improvement fantasy, I can ignore a touch-screen...!!).

POINTUI seems a baby-step forward (...or is that BACK...? meaning, "in the direction of SPEED-DIAL-APPS")... well, Pointui provides a 10-app icon matrix for assigning apps... but you still have to LOOK at the screen...bummer... Actually, I had believed the 4 or 5 assignable keys were part of POINTUI... 'twas your comment, Haus, that prompted me to check for BUTTONS in native WM6.5.

Now to steal the TIME, somewhere, to review all INTREPID documentation... so that I'm not giving WM6.5 short shrift in my comparisons.

(BTW, is there a accumulated gripe list somewhere for WM6.5 documentation? I'd like to suggest using ONE name for each key, consistently... yeah, OK, so now there's a WINDOWS key... it used to be the START key; sometimes it is now the "MENU", too.... WHY? It would be easy enough to figure out, if they grouped ALL the different names they planned [or have] referred to the various keys in the labeled image of the 1st few pages... but, no, 'seems they want to surprise/confuse the reader... well, there Samsung has achieved marginal "SUCCESS"!!)