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Old 02-21-2010, 11:05 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Originally Posted by makkonen View Post
Building an image from the AOSP repo? I have not tried -- I sort of feel like I should, but it seems like a lot of work and a lot of waiting, and other people's have worked just fine thus far. Plus I have not even begun to try to figure out what needs to be tweaked from the basic repo to make it work on our devices.
Yeah I've done a complete rm -rf on my mydroid project directories and i've re-downloaded the source tree for eclair and the master branch. I'm gonna start over and see what I did wrong from the previous. The AOSP repo you need mainly the /etc directory (missing files) and that will get the thing to boot for the most part. then you need the libril or libhtc_ril or what ever its called for the radio. I can give you a exact list when i figure it out if you wanted to really know. Yeah I like the work that is currently out there too When I get caught up with school work I'm hoping to get back on trying to get sense ui to work on our phones again. I had a bootable rom 20 or so pages back but the radio didn't work.
Sprint Touch Pro (Ralph800) - (2.01.651MR)/1.12.34F
Android: XDANDROID-5-31-10/gps rootfs update
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