Help me with an specific email solution -- I did search
I have a 700wx with sprint. I use it for data only... no voice.
For my job, I need to be able to receive emails and click an embedded link as quickly as possible. If I'm not the first to click the link then someone else gets the order and I don't get paid. I have to receive the email within 1-2 minutes tops, but I prefer real time. Replying to the email is not required, so outgoing address is unimportant.
Our corporate email is not on an Exchange server, but I can check it with Outlook from home via IMAP. I cannot forward the corporate email account directly.
Is my only solution to Sync every 60 seconds, or is there a way to get email pushed from an exchange server (such as mail2web) without being able directly forward the email from the corporate server?
I can live with :
terrible battery life from syncing every minute,
OR with leaving a home PC with Outlook running all day
(perhaps setting outlook rules to auto-forward to the mail2web account),
OR paying a nominal monthly fee for this exact service.
I cannot live with receiving emails 2 minutes too late.