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Old 02-21-2010, 06:37 PM
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Re: [ROM] [02-18-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21887.5.0.86]

Originally Posted by huntnyc View Post
Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
Tweety, here's the cabs I use for my set up. It may work with others as well, but I use the Osrix black steel clock first, then the dusk 2.5 bg4all 20 shortcuts and then Santods latest clock array cab, softresetting in between each cab, voila!! Then I typically load up a bunch of Santod's other mods to clean up the screen. I'm going to be setting up my phone shortly and I'll get another SS once I'm done. Let me know if you need anything else.
Tried running this setup and thanks for posting it. All is well but wanted to stop animation on Mr. wallpaper - tried choosing static wallpaper under animation wallpaper option but that did not work. Appreciate your input and thanks again.

Choosing static wallpaper, then a weather wallpaper should stop the animations.
If it does not, then I may have forgot a reg entry in that cab.
If it works for some, then I did not.
I guess I will just look through my files again and see.
But like I said, if it works for one, it should work for all.
If not, I need to fix it today.

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