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Old 02-21-2010, 04:54 PM
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Re: Saving Programs/Apps to SD

Originally Posted by aj48198 View Post
The programs will stay on your SD card. What you have to do is after a hard reset is go to: STORAGE CARD-PROGRAM FILES. Once you are there, everything you installed to your phone via storage card will be there. what you will need is the .EXE file. When you find the .EXE file, touch and hold. The options screen will pop up. what you want to do is select COPY. After you select COPY, go to MY DEVICE - WINDOWS - START MENU - PROGRAMS. Once you are there either touch and hold anywhere on the screen or use the menu button at the bottom and select PASTE SHORTCUT. It will then paste a shortcut to the program that you previously copied. From there you can rename it (it will say "shortcut to____" just delete the 'shortcut to' part of the program) to say the actual program. Now when that is done, just close the file explorer, hit the windows icon and your program should be in there. HTH!!
Thank u. No need for the second post this one was very clear and helpful. Thanks a lot.
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