Originally Posted by Kaine16
Originally Posted by Hugo381
To make the top bar I used Max TF3D Theme Maker v4.1. You have to have Manila running, then set whatever background you want matching the top bar onto the Manila interface. Run MaxTT and convert the topbar and/or bottom bar under the WM 6.5 Tab on the MaxTT program. You have to have at least WM 6.5 on your phone.
Soft reset and there you go, you will have a matching topbar and/or bottom bar to the background you set to Manila. You can then disable Manila and your top and bottom bars still stay, so you might want to use the same background for the standard WM interface too so it can match.
Heres a link to the program.
Here are Screen Shots to show how I have SPB MS Lifestyle/Pro Screens, WM 6.5 Today/Lock Screen, and Running Programs (Resco Explorer 2010) matching.
Haha great mod, so I found the solution to all my previous questions but one, when u use spb does it default ur messaging to WM6 native messaging. Its fuggly as hell.
yes, but you could either use native WM Messaging, or make a shortcut of HTC Messaging from the exe located in the windows directory to the start menu directory then make an invisible shortcut on top of the original messaging shortcut you put on the home screen of SPB MS that way you could keep using HTC Messaging. Or you could "Beautify" your WM Messaging by going here: