Originally Posted by havox22
Originally Posted by 00_MACKIE_00
However if your using Sashimi, it causes no issues with Resco Explorer 2010 and the the ability to install apps.
I dont use that tho & i dont think he does either
Originally Posted by D/\SH
on resco that wont cause it, you can just click on the screen where it says it was successfully installed (resco) than you will be able to close without having to use a task manager.
yeah i know but i was typing from my phone & it keep zooming in & out so i was just trying to let him know most likely it was the file explorer that was causing it & if he looked in the task manager he would see that it was still open so other things wouldnt install, not that it wouldnt close without a task manager
& Mr x im not sure if its suppose to be like this of you just forgot to skin it but in the taskbar when u plug in head phones it gives u the stock all white icon
no what im saying is that you dont have to close it to get other stuff to install... you will notice that after you install resco it will show different in the upper right to x out than usual... tap the screen in the middle when you go to install the next cab that x will go away and become a ok which will than allow you to further install more cabs.