Originally Posted by Joeriginal
Well I know thats what the strike is about, but as far as the writers asking for more money they should of thought of that when they allowed reality Tv to topple over thier repetitve scripted television shows. Now that they have to air them over the internet so people who were watching American idol over their crappy shows, can have a chance to catch up, they feel they need payment for that, well Im sorry, make some worth while Television and then ask for a raise.
It's not about raises for undeserving writers. It is about getting paid for content that is distributed over the internet. Similar to how musicians and songwriters make their money from royalties, television writers make their living from residuals. The same way a songwriter gets a fraction of a cent every time a copy of their song is sold on iTunes, the TV writers would like a cut of the money that will start flowing as TV distribution continues to move toward digital distribution.
It's plain and simple desire to get a cut of the money they are making for their bosses. They got fucked with DVD and VHS so I can't blame them for wanting to be paid for the soon-to-be lucrative digital market.