Originally Posted by wmdunn
Originally Posted by hasseye
omj justt wondering in ur kitcehn whats the difference between sip-finger keyboard and sip extras - finger board...
In the original kitchens, it was important to select only one SIP, so Calkulin arranged the files so that Finger KB could be selected as a second SIP without negatively affecting the custom rom. As far as the actual files themselves, there is no difference.
Well they're not exactly the same. The SIP Extras version cannot be selected as the only/primary SIP in the build because it will not automatically be enabled. The SIP Fingerkeyboard however can be selected as the only/primary SIP and will be enabled as the default keyboard. I havent figured out how Calkulin modified the extra version to do this. I'd like to know because I'd like to have Finger keyboard as primary and then EzInput as the extra.