Originally Posted by stud007
Originally Posted by santod
HERE is the post I was referring to.
It was buried in NRGz rom thread.
Right now though, on 2.5.2011 and 2.5.2012,
it will use the same image in portrait and landscape.
But it works great as a High Quality background for all tabs and fullscreen wallpaper.
Hey thanks a lot.....wow my phone looks awesome with all these mods....but i have one more final thing to ask.
How to do you make the buttons "phone" and "menu" blend with the background.
Now i have them like buttons ,is there cab somewhere because I see in your posts , the start button menu and phone buttons are well blended with the background and just appear like text at the bottom. As I said earlier I am using the medium hill ROM.
With a Transparent softkey .Tsk theme file.
I will attach the one I use for you.
Just extract the .Tsk file to your Windows folder. Then in SETTINGS, HOME, select the TranspSoftKey Theme. Then you will have just the text on the bottom bar. You may need to reapply your HDwalls or convert with MaxTTM for BG4all wallpaper after changing, to get the full screen image back, as this will make the bars appear black until you do so.