Originally Posted by Mr. X
you are correct. nto only that installing the latest swipe requires you to change the device id to the Tmo_Leo. This will cause sprint apps to stop authenticating. Sprint tv will stop working. As well as Music store.
X, not that I care if you install it in your Rom, as it can be installed after as cab, the older version that is, but I know the newer version when cooked into the Rom works with Sprint TV as I have used a Rom with it and had no problems the TV app.......
Although, supposedly the developers of Swype dont want there software installed in other devices now and are making people remove the cabs from sites, so I guess it is all good anyway....
I hope they offer there keyboard for resale, as it would definetly be worth the purchase!
I have had my phone on since 7am this morning and it still says 100% battery.....Granted, I haven't really used it much today as I have been busy working, but I don't think I have ever seen my phone stay at 100% that long......So either we are going to get some really good battery out of this Rom, or my phone is broken...lol
Did I say how much I liked this Rom? You need to enter it into some contest or something......