Originally Posted by unkellsam
Hey Deck,
I don't know if you've checked out MR. X's Rom, but he has Manila "CFC Compressed". I have no idea what that means - you probably do - but it seems to be a bit snappier than regular manila and can handle multitasking better as u can see in this video:
I just can't stand all those corny skins these kids put on their roms... Maybe consider doing the CFC compression for the next revision?
I figured out what CFC compression is:
Originally Posted by From XDA Thread
What's CFC? Its a compression method for the tf3d image files that greatly reduces file size. The CFC cab and zip below also included a modified manila.exe and mode9.dll necessary for the cfc compressed files along with two other dlls and ALL manila image files compressed. CFC compression allows for quicker tf3d.