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Old 02-19-2010, 06:15 AM
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Re: [1/25/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
why cant we use gitorious again?
We can. We should. We do.

Originally Posted by matthewb57 View Post
I agree. There are several free Git hosting sites for public code it seems (gitorious is one of them I gather) and we should use the "Android on HTC" wiki as a place to put all the updates and FAQs and such.

My offer for hosting was more just to replace the current megaupload hosting for the compiled builds. I don't know much about Git, but I assumed it was only a source code versioning system, and did not contain compiled builds. If it can contain compiled builds for download (packaged for the end users), then everything is covered already.
If someone wants to take up cleaning up and bringing the Android on HTC wiki up to date, that's noble... I feel like it fell by the wayside a long time ago. There's so much data on all these ports in so many different places, it's exhausting. (there's the xda-devs wiki, the android on htc wiki, the androidhtc wiki at sourceforge, the wave, the xdandroid and android on diamond threads at xda-devs... I could go on.)

Hosting builds is a very useful service, and probably the only hosting that needs to be offered. Gitorious doesn't fill that niche. Glemsom's site has the kernels covered, and Stinebd has just made an autobuild site for the rootfs (I assume those aren't much use for rhod400 at this point, if 95-civic has his own changes in the rootfs), but it is nice to be able to wrap up whole device-specific packages.

Originally Posted by Eschelon View Post
If someone else (other than civic) has formally announced that they are currently working to rip open the RIL in order to enable CDMA data, then you and I and everyone else has missed it

Until someone else comes forward with an announcement that they're working on a CDMA Android port, then I stand by my original statement that civic is currently a one-man army (which he is)

Sure, he could release his work so far. But he hasn't yet. So there's nothing untrue about what I said

I'm pretty sure phh has made some changes in the RIL to try to enable cdma data (not successfully, but it's something). MrPippy now has a rhod400 and has put some effort into getting the wifi driver up to speed, as well as just looking around at the state of things.

There haven't been any FORMAL announcements , but there are other folks out there putting in effort. That's the nice thing about open source... the whole community can just jump in and get to work. Speaking of which...

Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
Once again, this isn't totally true, if we could get a hold of civic and his source code for the changes he has made, we have others devs that are offering to help, they just need his changes so they aren't doing over what he has already accomplished.
Originally Posted by rdwing View Post
how can we get more devs involved? maybe if this was more than a one man war we might get somewhere
Seconding that. I don't know how many out-of-tree patches 95-Civic has made to get things to the point they're at for CDMA, but having them available for everyone else to see can only help. It's Linus's Law: "Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow."