Originally Posted by Sting32
I think you should, except I am not positive about the tethering with the newest radios with the newest stock roms out? at the time I think there was something that dinged the tethering on your bills. that was a while back and is why I was on here TODAY, searching to see if I can setup tethering without getting billed to death now. It might been leaked roms only. so search carefully.
I have the new 6.5 Verizon and tether all the time and have never had a prob with my bill.
On that note. I would stay with 6.1
I came online to find it and put 6.1 back in.
6.5 is buggy to hell. I have run it for over 2 weeks and love all the new
bells and whistles but not worth the bugs. I hate hate HATE the 6.5 bugs
I will kick back and see if they fix it first. Verizon took the option off there site where you could order the TP2 w/6.5 pre-installed. That in its self should
make you think.