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Old 01-09-2008, 01:34 AM
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Originally Posted by codyppc View Post
no offence taking. i was just quoting you because you meationed the other program and how it worked. i didn't know about the other program or i wouldn't have wasted my time doing what has allready been done. i did this just cause i know many people would like to "personalize" there devices.

i quoted you because you decribed things that are issues with app app like this. your quote was also nice to use when decribing what and how mine worked. i hope mine will work good for others as well. hopefully better.

yes, i take pride in my work and will try everything i can to make it the best i can. updates are part of the game.

to be all honest with everyone.... it has been a while since i, or most mort people, have wrtoe anything. i miss it and was wanting something to do. i remember when you (perasite) first came to the treocentral mort forum. we were just ending an almost year long mort writing frenzy. man that was fun. hopefully with the release of the 800w (treo) the gang will come back. most of the guys said they just got board. they need a new device to spice it up agian.

your good with me parasite. i just hope people dont think i was tring to copy the other guys app when writing this. i was going to remove it, but thought... some may not have known about the other guys app, like myself. and, maybe this version will work better for those who had problems with the other one.


Sorry guys don't mean to but in but a guy like me didn't know about the other guys app and I ran across this one and I just want to say thanx Cody cuz I liked it. You have made my phone look CRAZY to the uninformed ppc user cuz I'm currently running many of the apps you have put on here.

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