Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile 6.0) Sprint Treo850e)
ok got lastest rom up and running and have achance to play around and so far i'm very happy with this build. as promised i have noticed a few "quirky" things that might be of interest to you to see if its your build or just running on a treo pro like i am.
1. when in a prgram lets say "email" when i hit the options round button, the top choice is missing along with the arrows at the top and bottom. the choice appears only when i grab and scroll the list. in other instances there are only two choices and the top choice is not visble, just a blank white area where i know there is supposed to be a choice.
also noticed the "X" button doesn't close any programs. i have to go into task manager to shut off a program completely. is that what the showcase program is for that you metion at the beginning of this thread?
also tried google maps 3.2.1, 3.5, and the newest 4.0.0 and all the can't get GPS to work. tried turning on and off several tims and resetting and reinstalling but no dice. did something break in the build? i did some research and some people say 3.2.1 should work, but hasn't for me yet.
anyway to have IE remember the zoom level on each page as you hit links or is the only way to double tap or use zoom scroller?
ICS kept dropping my connection after 2 minutes or so, but noticed if i set "standby/backlight" to longer time like 10mins it kept connection. is it just me?
for the weather app (i think its titanium weather or something) what do i need to install to have it as part of my home screen like in some other builds? just a small detail i wish this build had.
also maybe including the official SMS patch for 2016 in your next build?
other than that so far. i'm happiest with your Feb 17th ROM.
4on't wann be bashing your hard work at all. just finding minor tid bits here and there as i go. Hope i didn't get too deep for my first couple posts. Thanx again.