Originally Posted by Eschelon
Updates flowed freely once the TP1 port was virtually completed and once most features were working - we're nowhere near that point yet with the TP2 port. Take a look at those daily updates you listed; they're all minor tweaks or kernel updates that were done AFTER the full port was nearing completion - notice there's nothing in that list about a major update like a full RIL port (which civic is working on now)
Civic is only a one-man army in this fight so updates will only occur at his pace and according to his schedule. Once/If he gets things rolling at a rate to where the TP2 CDMA port is as completed as the TP1 was, then you'll likely start seeing updates more and more often
Once again, this isn't totally true, if we could get a hold of civic and his source code for the changes he has made, we have others devs that are offering to help, they just need his changes so they aren't doing over what he has already accomplished.