Sorry, I'm on a Sprint phone so my buttons are a tad different I forgot. Yes the backlight button on the top of the phone, the end key has no power functions on the Sprint version.
Portion of my config related to power button:
- <Key>
- <Rules>
- <Rule>
<WindowText />
- <KeyMapping>
- <Click>
- <Action>
- <DoubleClick>
- <TripleClick>
- <LongPress>
- <Action>
So throw that in your config and see if it doesn't work for you. The only drawback is that it doesn't play all that nice while music is playing through the headphones. If you short press, the screen won't wake back up until you long press to lock, unless you locked it when you shut it off. Minor stuff, really, it ONLY behaves that way while listening to music with headphones. Let me know how it works for you.
Edit: It doesn't seem to want to let me upload my config here so i hope that works, it looks like the copy paste botched some formatting but give it a go.