Originally Posted by sc00b4s7eve
Any fix for the 2.5.2012 AlbumTab so I don't have to cook in MaxManila? MaxManila is just too easy for me to break, lol.
That's why I just use this SASHIMI.lnk shortcut and the xml to delete the shortcut at the end of SASHIMI's autorun:
The shortcut points to "\Storage Card\SASHIMI\Program\2577\Autorun.exe"
I prefer it this way because, for whatever reason, I like the stability it affords me.
- I built mine into a cab that I use in UC but here's one with ONLY the LINK in it.
- you can also use CPY1 and CPY2 functions in the config_operators.txt
Either way **Just make sure you put the XML in \Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\XML\ or else SASHIMI will launch on every boot.**
That's a great idea. I was going to cook the link in, then I realized that I wouldn't be able to delete it after it installed