The script I posted a few days ago has issues... Already had to do a hardware reset. That script is being tested along with a second script (to setup personal settings such as "Owner Name"). And the second script has issues too... I believe WM won't allow you to set some reg keys without using the cpl applet.
As I refine my patch to a "working" patch I will post a CAB. As for now, I'm stepping in keys 1 at a time for the next week or so till I figure out which one is causing the lockup on the SD card.
Oh... And a full compression on MS Voice Command v1.6... Yeah, that doesn't work... Causes all kinds of issues. Trying to refine that one down too.
Other then that... Any cahnce we can get the Crossbow Sounds added to the theme as well? Well that and to have drop down menus not be white on white (Refering to Pocket Plus's task manager drop down)?