Originally Posted by bikeandestroyx
Sense is just HTC's new name for tf3d, manila is the code name for tf3d. Sense adds some new features to 2.1 like weather animations under the clock. You definately want sense, i would go for 2.5 2012 if you want sense (manila) 2.5 and 2.1 1921, those seem to be the most stable.
Im running my own rom created with bepe's platform rebuilder and raid's/my own custom scripts. manila 2.5 2012 with 23534 sys. Running very nicely might release it.
So SenseUI, TouchFlo3D, and Manila are just different names for the same thing?
And the latest Sense/TF3D/Manila on the stock TP2 6.5 ROMS is 2.1, but 2.5 is out for other devices and is available on some ROMS. Is that right?