Originally Posted by maisonpulaski
Not sure where you got that idea...
...this video is over 22 minutes long and he specifically demos 7's multitasking capabilities. Not that i am a total Windows fan. I have used "The Phone that shall not be named", and it is 20x faster than my Imagio (my opinion).
They probably got that idea because Microsoft confirmed it. Like the iPhone, Seven's multitasking will be limited to things built-into the phone. You'll be able to play your Zune and use your calendar at the same time and the ActiveSync push technology will run in the background. But third party applications will not be able to multitask as they can on WM. There was a specific discussion about this linked to via PocketNow.com. (The site's down right now or I'd just link it here.) Even in the video you link to above, listen carefully to what he says. He skirts around the issue by telling you what will work. He carefully avoids admitting what won't.
Some have asked, why you need it anyway. Well one of the most common things people multitask with on WM phones is GPS applications. From full-fledged navigation programs to background location data loggers, it sounds like Seven will be unable to do those things at the same time as doing anything else. That will render them largely useless. Another is using other types of music services than the built-in one, like Pandora. Those probably won't run in the background.
I use a timer application with a notetaker on my Imagio in a class I teach. That depends on multitasking. The timer is timing the length of a speech while the notes are in the foreground so I can enter comments. The timer beeps when the student's time is up. It would obviously be useless to me if the timer paused while in the background. That application of multitasking is really useful to me in my job and if I were to move to Seven, I'd have to find a different way to achieve that.
Now it may not be the end of the world, and clearly for millions of iPhone users, it's not a problem. But that doesn't mean it's not a real issue for people who actually do care about it. If you don't need it, then fine. No problem for you. But for those who do, they have every right to be disappointed to have lost a feature they depend on.