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Old 02-17-2010, 05:12 PM
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Re: How do you like the TP2 after couple months?

Originally Posted by sunNsnow View Post
I've had it for two months and I'm happy so far (I came from a Blackberry and never used a WinMo phone, ever). Learning curve was a bit steep but this forum definitely made my life much easier. The keyboard on this phone is awesome (best ever after having the Pearl and the Tour), I like the TP2's web browsing abilities and that you can customize it. Finally, I love the fact that I no longer have to be dependent on Blackberry servers to be running properly for my emails to get to me (no more intermediaries).

My pet peeves with the phone: lack of out-of-the-box ring tone and inbox tone customizations. The programs I've tried so far have not been to my liking. And the battery life is shorter than a Blackberry (ugh). Despite that, I would not give up the TP2.
have you tried the mp3 trimmer program for making ringtones? it comes on the phone and you can make your own.
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