Originally Posted by heydjbobby74
wow, someone is touchy today....lol I think he was making a joke and trying to help at the same time. Be careful with the attitude, MODS will get ya.
I rooted my Hero along with other friends of mine, and only one couldn't get the wifi working, I am going to try a couple things on it today to see if I can get it up and running. I will report back in this thread with my findings.
On a side note Harvey, I think you should go to Starbucks, and get a Zen Tea....? You really need to balance your inner self and elevate you Chi... just a thought.
Yea, Maybe I was a little bit harsh, many apologies, but I think I have some understanding of what I'm doing, so it frustraighted me. On a side note, I don't like they're Zen tea, but, They're Latte's are off the chain.
Originally Posted by thacounty
If WiFi tethering isn't working uninstall it.
Then go here.
Install that.
Restart Phone.
I did this and it didn't work, but, I went and installed a taskbar, which obviously, made me reboot my phone again, and now it's working? Anyways, thanks has been sent to all.