Just thought i'd throw something out there that i have found infinitely useful.
Personal Assistant (free) by Pageonce:
Essentially, i downloaded this app because i download apps simply because i can. After using it for a minute i realised; Pretty much every single account i have and probably will ever have (this includes banking, my home utility bills, phone,social networking, and all the way to paypal) can be managed from this one app. The UI could use a little bit of work, but it functions flawlessly. They aggregate HUNDREDS of different services, and its a pretty snappy app. You can also use it from your computer and several other flavors of smartphones. Based solely on usefulness and functionality, i give it a 10/10. With the UI in the mix, 9/10. Extremely useful app. Also, its free as in beer.
Olympic-class smoker since 2005.
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